Workshops for Self-Healing and Personal Empowerment
Life gets hard sometimes. Each of us faces a myriad of stressors related to physical health, emotional and mental well-being, trauma, relationships, finances, and safety and security. On top of that, there’s a whole lot going on in our collective society that can make us feel shaken to the core. It’s normal to feel afraid, sad, worried, uncertain, not enough…
At the Fox Moon Farm Project, we believe that each of us has the power of imagination, choice, and creation that, when tapped into, helps us solve and overcome our individual challenges and contribute to the solutions needed in our society. Through our series of workshops and programs on personal healing and empowerment, we are committed to equipping each life that we touch with the knowledge, tools, and drive to be better and do better-for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.
Each workshop or program is rooted in these enduring principles:
I am afraid … I have courage
I am uncertain … I trust
I am weak … I am strong
I am tired … I am energized
I am stuck … I know where I’m going
I am ashamed … I love myself
I am sick … I am thriving
I am invisible … I see myself
I am powerless … I create my own life and circumstances
I am worried … I am present in this moment
I don’t have enough … I have more than I need
I am sad … I feel joy
I am trapped … I am free
I am alone … I am part of something beautiful
I am old … I have wisdom to share
I am resentful … I accept and take responsibility for my life
Upcoming Workshops and Programs
Principles for Reclaiming Your Well-Being and Power
This one-day workshop provides fundamental principles and experiences to begin – or re-energize – your journey to being the master of your own health and well-being.
You’ll leave with a set of tools and practices that you can tailor for your regular practice that suits your personal preferences and unique needs.